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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

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Deep in the heart,  her love there dwells .

If not around , I dream of her .

No wonder why , I sleep not well .

Am chased by her eyes everywhere.


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Lame excuses do always stand.

And bunch of lies can fast be summoned.

Can do anything to reach their end.

Can bribe, can flatter, or kiss the hand.

The outside ain't always right.

It can be a mask on loads of Shite

When purity turns to be an act of vice.

I shall not thus be fooled twice.

The Manipulated heart

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The poetry muse then hits me again.

It finds me alone so poor and weak.

With broken heart so full of pain.

I lost all hopes that I would seek.

Have always been with a cold desire.

Until she snatched my heart so dire.

So pure, so poor and insecure.

She then retreats and shuts her door.

Was a fast impact she had on me.

That took my heart and liberty.

Traumatized,I felt she was.

Of a past that drew us too far from close.

In a pensive mood, I thus realized.

She was confused and mesmerized
She was so vague disclosed not much.

I felt it only was emotional rush.

The place went calm, the stars disappeared.

Even the moon doth look so weird.

Yet at the sky I stare so deep.

I see her face ,she is not yet sleep.

I thus recall those bygone days.

When we were close and it was all gay.

She left me quick with a big deep scar.

Didn't just care and went too far.

Sweet Venom

"The sweet Venom"

Deep in the dark , the heart there fellInto the trenches of stinky Mud .No wonder why , the pain would killAfter Ignoring the messages of God .

One shan't be fooled by the devilish smile.Or by the seemingly innocent look ;As they are means of a fake profile .Which works as the the bait on a hook .

No poor , no pure nor insecure .It was all fake and immature .With double faces and filthy manners ,She is as the rainbow has seven colors .

By the devil lows , she is inspired .Of causing pain , she is never tired .when virtue is lost and morality ,I shall then get back my liberty .

The power of senses shan't ever be ignored .For it can be the guiding light .Thus learnt the lesson and every word."Before you get stuck , weigh things right ."